Objectives: The incidence of pneumothorax is 7 times higher after lung radiofrequency ablation (RFA) than after lung biopsy. The reasons for such a difference have never been objectified. The histopathologic changes in lung tissue are well-studied and established for RF in the ablation zone. However, it has not been previously described what the nature of thermal injury might be along the shaft of the RF electrode as it traverses through normal lung tissue to reach the ablation zone. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes occurring around the RF needle along the pathway between the ablated zone and the pleura.
Material and methods: In 3 anaesthetised and ventilated swine, 6 RFA procedures (right and left lungs) were performed using a 14-gauge unipolar multi-tined retractable 3 cm radiofrequency LeVeen probe with a coaxial introducer positioned under CT fluoroscopic guidance. In compliance with literature guidelines, we implemented a gradually increasing thermo-ablation protocol using a RF generator. Helical CT images were acquired pre- and post-RFA procedure to detect and evaluate pneumothorax. Four percutaneous 19-gauge lung biopsies were also performed on the fourth swine under CT guidance. Swine were sacrificed for lung ex vivo examinations, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and pathological analysis.
Results: Three severe (over 50 ml) pneumothorax were detected after RFA. In each one of them, pathological examination revealed a fistulous tract between ablation zone and pleura. No fistulous tract was observed after biopsies. In the 3 cases of severe pneumothorax, the tract was wide open and clearly visible on post procedure CT images and SEM examinations. The RFA tract differed from the needle biopsy tract. The histological changes that are usually found in the ablated zone were observed in the RFA tract's wall and were related to thermal lesions. These modifications caused the creation of a coagulated pulmonary parenchyma rim between the thermo-ablation zone and the pleural space. The structural properties of the damage can explain why the RFA tract is remains patent after needle withdrawal.
Conclusion: Our study demonstrates for the first time that the changes around the RF needle are the same as in the ablated zone. The damage could create fistulous tracts along the needle path between thermo-ablation zone and pleural space. These fistulas could certainly be responsible for severe pneumothorax that occurs in many patients treated with lung RFA.
Keywords: Thermal ablation; imaging; physiological effects of hyperthermia (i.e. perfusion effects, hypoxia, pH, metabolism, microenvironment and redox); radiofrequency/microwave.