CDT is at present the most relevant routinely available biological marker of alcohol use and is widely used for screening and monitoring of patients. The lack of standardization leads to specific reference intervals for each procedure. The IFCC working group devoted to CDT demonstrated that the standardization is possible using calibrators assigned to the reference measurement procedure. In this study, we compare the capillary electrophoresis (CE) techniques Capillarys® CDT and Minicap® CDT (Sebia, Lisses, France) to the reference procedure before and after standardization in 126 samples covering the range of CDT measurement. Both capillary electrophoresis procedures show a high correlation (r=0,997) with the reference procedure and the concordance correlation coefficient evaluated according to Mc Bride is "almost perfect" (>0.997 for both CE procedures). The number of results with a relative difference higher than the acceptable difference limit is only 1 for Capillarys® CDT and 5 for Minicap® CDT. These results demonstrate the efficiency of the standardization of CDT measurements for both CE techniques from Sebia, achieved using calibrators assigned to the reference measurement procedure.
Keywords: CDT; alcohol biomarker; capillary electrophoresis; standardization.