The aim of the present study was to characterize the number and affinity of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and granulocytes of domestic pigs because glucocorticoid signaling is considered important for animal health and welfare. To investigate GR binding characteristics in intact porcine immune cells, blood samples of 6 castrated male pigs were collected via indwelling vein catheters. Porcine PBMC and granulocytes were isolated using two-layer density gradients, followed by radioligand binding assays to determine the number of GR sites per cell and the dissociation constant Kd as a measure for GR binding affinity. The present study revealed a greater number of GR sites per cell (P = 0.039) in PBMC (mean ± SEM: 1,953 ± 207 sites/cell) compared to granulocytes (1,561 ± 159 sites/cell) in domestic pigs. Furthermore, porcine PBMC had a higher GR binding affinity than porcine granulocytes (P = 0.003) as the dissociation constant Kd of PBMC (1.8 ± 0.2 nM) was lower than that of granulocytes (3.5 ± 0.4 nM). Our results point to differences in underlying mechanisms of glucocorticoid signaling in different porcine leukocyte populations.
Keywords: Cortisol; Glucocorticoid receptor; Granulocyte; Leukocyte; Radioligand assay; Sus scrofa domestica.
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