A statistical method for comparing matrices of genetic variation and covariation between groups (e.g., species, populations, a single population grown in distinct environments) is proposed. This maximum-likelihood method provides a test of the overall null hypothesis that two covariance component matrices are identical. Moreover, when the overall null hypothesis is rejected, the method provides a framework for isolating the particular components that differ significantly between the groups. Simulation studies reveal that discouragingly large experiments are necessary to obtain acceptable power for comparing genetic covariance component matrices. For example, even in cases of a single trait measured on 900 individuals in a nested design of 100 sires and three dams per sire in each population, the power was only about 0.5 when additive genetic variance differed by a factor of 2.5. Nevertheless, this flexible method makes valid comparison of covariance component matrices possible.
© 1991 The Society for the Study of Evolution.