Inbreeding depression may be caused by (partially) recessive or overdominant gene action. The relative evolutionary importance of these two modes has been debated; the former mode is emphasized in the "dominance hypothesis," the latter in the "overdominance hypothesis." We analyzed the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in the self-incompatible herb Arabis petraea (L.) Lam.: In the selfed progeny of twelve parental plants, we studied the proportion of chlorophyll-deficient seedlings, the genotypic distributions of marker genes, and associations of marker genotypes with viability and quantitative traits. Early components of fitness were examined by scoring seed size, germination time, and early growth rate and by observing the proportion of chlorophyll-deficient seedlings. Later components of fitness, flowering, and root and aboveground biomass were also measured. Marker genotypes of young seedlings were scored for 11 enzyme loci and three microsatellite markers. We found a high proportion (about 70%) of families with chlorophyll-deficient seedlings, indicating a high mutational load. We found six significant deviations from 1:2:1 ratio at marker loci of 60 tests in seedlings, with three of these significant at the experimentwide level. Deviations from the expected ratio were assumed to be due to linked viability loci. A graphical and a Bayesian method were used to distinguish between the overdominance and dominance hypotheses. Most of the deviant segregation ratios suggested overdominance instead of recessivity of the deleterious allele. Neither the early (seed size, germination time, or early growth trait) nor the late quantitative traits (flowering, and root and aboveground biomass) showed significant linkage to markers at the experimentwide level. Presence of significant associations between markers and early viability, but lack thereof for quantitative traits expressed late, suggests either that there may be relatively low inbreeding depression in later life stages or that individual quantitative trait loci may have smaller effects than loci contributing to early viability.
Keywords: Arabis petraea; Bayesian methods; inbreeding depression.
© 1999 The Society for the Study of Evolution.