The study was conducted to ascertain the effects of dietary chromium chloride (CrCl3·6H2O) supplementation on mineral interaction in blood serum, leg muscles and bones of broilers at 35th day of age. For this purpose, ninety male broiler chicks were divided into three groups. One served as control (group I) while, the other two groups were supplemented with CrCl3 (group II-12.5mg/Kg feed; group III-25mg/Kg feed) from 12 to 28days of age. In serum, Cr concentration remained non-significant however, Zn, and K concentrations decreased (P<0.05) with both levels of Cr-supplementation. Furthermore, in muscles Cr, Cu, Ca and Na levels remained non-significant but concentrations of Zn and K decreased (P<0.05) with feed Cr enrichment. Chromium had a substantial effect on femur and fibula Zn retention with 25mg/Kg feed supplementation while, Cr deposition decreased (P<0.05) in fibula. Femur Ca (P<0.002), Na (P<0.001) and K (P<0.05) retention was inversely proportional to both Cr concentrations in feed. In tibia, Cu and Na concentration decreased (P<0.002) with high dietary Cr supplementation. Fibular Ca and Na concentrations remained significantly (P<0.001) lower in Cr supplemented groups. Bone robusticity index was non-significant but ash to weight ratio of femur, tibia and fibula decreased (P<0.05) in group III. Chromium supplementation has a major effect on serum or muscle Zn and K deposition while bone mineral interaction shows a major thrust on Zn, Ca and Na levels.
Keywords: Bone; Broiler; Chromium; Mineral interaction; Muscle.
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