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As the generation and use of genomic datasets is becoming increasingly common in all areas of biology, the need for resources to collate, analyse and present data from one or more genome projects is becoming more pressing. The Ensembl platform is a powerful tool to make genome data and cross-species analyses easily accessible through a web interface and a comprehensive application programming interface. Here we introduce GenomeHubs, which provide a containerized environment to facilitate the setup and hosting of custom Ensembl genome browsers. This simplifies mirroring of existing content and import of new genomic data into the Ensembl database schema. GenomeHubs also provide a set of analysis containers to decorate imported genomes with results of standard analyses and functional annotations and support export to flat files, including EMBL format for submission of assemblies and annotations to International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration.
© The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.