Amyloidomas are rare tumor-like depositions of abnormally folded, insoluble proteins that may be seen in the setting of systemic amyloidosis or as isolated tumoral deposits. Focal, isolated amyloidomas carry an excellent prognosis whereas systemic amyloidoses do not. The ability to identify or suggest amyloidoma on imaging studies may help direct laboratory testing and eventual diagnosis. Amyloidomas involving the head and neck have been variably described from homogeneously T2 hypointense to iso-slightly hyperintense relative to skeletal muscle. Herein we present two patients with pharyngeal submucosal amyloidomas of differing sizes and imaging characteristics to emphasize their potential widely variable imaging appearance and broaden our knowledge of these rare lesions.
Keywords: Amyloidomas; amyloidoses; amyloidosis; head and neck; plasmacytoma.