Objectives: Hyperzincaemia/hypercalprotectinemia (Hz/Hc) syndrome is a recently described condition caused by a specific de novo mutation (E250K) affecting PSTPIP1 gene. It has a phenotype distinct from classical pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne (PAPA) syndrome that includes severe systemic and cutaneous inflammation, hepatosplenomegaly, arthritis without sequelae, pancytopenia and failure to thrive.
Methods: We describe an 8-year-old boy who presented recurrent right knee swelling mimicking septic arthritis and persistent bone marrow involvement, without cutaneous involvement.
Results: Molecular analysis of the PSTPIP1 gene revealed the presence of a heterozygous E250K mutation. No growth failure was detected nor in the patient neither in his mother, carrying the same variant. Blood zinc and calprotectin MRP8/14 concentrations of the patient were found to be markedly increased. Therapy with anakinra was started with rapid disappearance of clinical symptoms and normalization of CRP levels in 24 hours, but persistence of bone marrow involvement.
Conclusions: The patient described has a milder phenotype, with no skin features, minor episodes of arthritis with no sequelae and normal growth. Compared to the patients with de novo mutations described in the literature, familial cases seem to have a milder phenotype. Our case further confirms the lack of efficacy of anakinra on bone marrow involvement.