4 Département de Physique and European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility, Universite de Liège, B-4000 Sart Tilman, Liège, Belgium.
5 Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI-1) and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-1), Forschungszebtrum Jülich, D-52425 Jülich, Germany.
6 Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics and European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF), RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen, Germany.
7 Department of Physics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, People's Republic of China.
8 School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), 518172 Shenzhen, People's Republic of China.