Objective: Although aortic valve-sparing operations are performed throughout Japan, the indications, specific repair techniques, and outcomes have not been reported in full. Thus, we conducted the first nationwide survey of aortic valve-sparing surgery.
Methods: We mailed a questionnaire to 508 institutions across Japan to obtain information on elective aortic valve and aortic root surgeries performed in 2014. Included in the mailing was a secondary questionnaire that sought further information from institutions reporting aortic valve-sparing surgeries.
Results: Two hundred and fifty (49%) institutions responded and reported a total of 7859 aortic valve operations and 771 aortic root operations. Aortic valve operations performed strictly for aortic regurgitation totaled 2080, 156 (8%) of which were aortic valve repairs. Of the 699 aortic root surgeries performed for aortic regurgitation, 236 (34%) were valve-sparing root replacement surgeries. The valve-sparing root replacement surgeries comprised aortic valve reimplantation (n = 173, 73%) and aortic root remodeling (n = 63, 27%). Five of 57 (9%) institutions were responsible for 42% (99/233) of the total aortic valve-sparing surgeries performed. Detailed information that was obtained for 233 patients who underwent aortic valve repair or valve-sparing root replacement showed 30-day mortality and reoperation for regurgitation after aortic valve repair (n = 97), aortic root remodeling (n = 37), and aortic valve reimplantation (n = 99) to be 1, 0, and 1% and 3, 3, and 1%, respectively.
Conclusion: To date, aortic valve-sparing operations have been performed for limited patients at limited institution in Japan, but the early outcomes have been excellent.
Keywords: Aortic regurgitation; Aortic valve repair; Reimplantation; Remodeling; Valve-sparing root replacement.