Objective: To study the epidemiologic characteristics of influenza in Gansu province of China and to optimize the related vaccination program. Methods: Weekly influenza surveillance data from the first week of 2010 to the fortieth week of 2016 were collected, in Gansu province. χ(2) test was used to compare the differences of nucleic acid positive rate and the virus types in the four seasons. Time series seasonal decomposition (TSSD) was used to explore seasonal patterns and characteristics of influenza epidemics in Gansu. Results: 59 791 specimens were tested, with 8 501 positive for influenza virus and positive rates as 14.22%. Types A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and type B were accounted for 98.76% of all the positive specimens. Proportions of the positive rate of influenza virus appeared in spring, summer, autumn and winter were 15.12%, 0.98%, 4.02% and 24.26% respectively. The predominant type of virus in autumn and winter was A(H3N2), with B mainly in spring. Influenza in Gansu province showed typical single-peak type distribution, with epidemic peak appeared from December to next January. The type A(H3N2) related peak appeared the earliest, followed by A(H1N1) pdm09, with type B the latest. Conclusions: Peaks and the duration of influenza seasonal epidemics were related to the types of dominant strains. Annual influenza vaccination campaigns should start in October, to provide effective protection during the epidemic period.
目的: 分析甘肃省流感季节性流行特征,为制定适宜的科学防控措施,优化流感疫苗预防接种指导意见提供依据。 方法: 收集2010年第1周至2016年第40周甘肃省分周流感病原学监测数据,χ(2)检验比较不同季节流感病毒核酸检测阳性率及病原型别构成,并用时间序列季节性分解方法分析流感病毒总阳性率及各型别阳性率的季节性流行特征。 结果: 共检测标本59 791份,流感病毒核酸阳性8 501份,阳性率14.22%,病毒型别以A(H1N1)pdm09型、A(H3N2)型和B型为主,占所有阳性标本的98.76%。不同季节流感病毒阳性率分别为春季15.12%、夏季0.98%、秋季4.02%、冬季24.26%。不同季节病毒型别构成,秋冬季以A(H3N2)型居多,春季以B型为主。甘肃省季节性流感呈典型的单峰型分布,流行高峰多出现在12月至次年1月,高峰起始时间以A(H3N2)型最早,其次是A(H1N1)pdm09型,B型最晚。 结论: 流感季节性流行高峰出现时间、持续时间与主要优势株的型别构成有关。甘肃省流感疫苗接种时间应为每年10月份,以便在流行期提供有效保护。.
Keywords: Influenza; Seasonality; Subtype; Vaccination.