Hypertensive disease and preeclampsia are serious medical disorders affecting pregnancy. Screening in early pregnancy may identify women at risk of developing hypertensive disease and enable prophylactic treatment. Accurate blood pressure measurement is an important part of this screening. The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients, with the aid of a context-aware sensor-based blood pressure self-measurement system, were able to correctly self-measure their blood pressure adhering to internationally established recommendations. Furthermore, to evaluate patient acceptance levels of performing self-measurements using context-aware adherence aids for guidance. A total of 100 pregnant women attending a routine ultrasound, at gestational week 12, at the outpatient clinic of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aarhus University Hospital, were recruited in the waiting room before the scheduled scan. Blood pressure self-measurement was performed using a blood pressure self-measurement system called ValidAid consisting of a clinically approved blood pressure device, a sensor chair registering rest-time, back-supported, legs-crossed, and ambient noise levels respectively recording participant compliance, as well as a touch screen-based computer application with an interactive user interface for patient guidance and feedback, as well as a built-in decision support system. Acceptance of the automated self-measurement was evaluated by a questionnaire. In all, 99 percent followed the instructions with regard to both rest time and not talking. For both of these, ValidAid offered interactive and context-aware guidance. The recommendation of keeping legs uncrossed was only adhered to in 69 percent of measurements and back supported in 35 percent of measurements. For both of these, no interactive guidance was provided. The majority of the participants, 93 percent, felt comfortable using self-measurement equipment, while a minority of 8 percent would have preferred personnel-assisted measurements. The majority of participants were able to take reliable blood pressure self-measurements. Results indicate that recommendations that were not actively enforced were not followed to the same extent as those that were enforced. Thus, providing interactive context-aware guidance for all recommendations should be considered in the future. Furthermore, we found patient acceptance levels of performing self-measurements to be overall positive.
Keywords: IT healthcare evaluation; clinical decision-making; context-aware sensors; decision-support systems; ehealth; hypertension; pervasive technologies; preeclampsia.