The human platelet antigen (HPA)-1, -2, -3, -5, and -15 systems are characterized as polymorphic alloantigens expressed on platelets and endothelial cells. In this retrospective study, we investigated, whether HPA-1, -2, -3, -5, and -15 incompatibilities are associated with acute cellular liver transplant rejection. A total of 96 Caucasian liver transplant recipients and corresponding donors were analyzed, 43 with biopsy proven acute cellular rejection (BPAR) and 53 without acute cellular rejection (No-BPAR). Polymorphisms of mentioned HPA systems were determined by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). Our data demonstrate that acute cellular rejection episodes were associated with HPA-3 incompatibility (58% HPA-3 incompatibility in BPAR group vs. 32% HPA-3 incompatibility in No-BPAR group, p=0.013). Furthermore, the frequency of HPA-3bb genotype was significantly higher in BPAR recipients as compared to No-BPAR recipients (30% vs 6%, p=0.002). On the other hand, there was no association between acute cellular rejection and the other tested HPA systems. We conclude that in the Caucasian population the HPA-3 system confers susceptibility to acute cellular rejection after liver transplantation.
Keywords: Acute cellular liver transplant rejection; HPA systems polymorphisms; Human platelets; Liver transplantation.
Copyright © 2017 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.