Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used as one of the main research tools to study a wide range of biological systems and bridge the gap between X-ray crystallography or NMR structures and biological mechanism. In the field of RNA nanostructures, MD simulations have been used to fix steric clashes in computationally designed RNA nanostructures, characterize the dynamics, and investigate the interaction between RNA and other biomolecules such as delivery agents and membranes.In this chapter we present examples of computational protocols for molecular dynamics simulations in explicit and implicit solvent using the Amber Molecular Dynamics Package. We also show examples of post-simulation analysis steps and briefly mention selected tools beyond the Amber package. Limitations of the methods, tools, and protocols are also discussed. Most of the examples are illustrated for a small RNA duplex (helix), but the protocols are applicable to any nucleic acid structure, subject only to the computational speed and memory limitations of the hardware available to the user.
Keywords: Antechamber; Elastic network model; Force field; Generalized born; MM-PB(GB)SA; Molecular dynamics simulations; RNA.