Background: Actinic keratoses (AKs) in solid organ transplant recipients (OTRs) are difficult-to-treat premalignancies and comparison of topical therapies is therefore warranted.
Objectives: In an intraindividual study to compare the efficacy and safety of field treatment with methyl aminolaevulinate photodynamic therapy (MAL-PDT) and imiquimod (IMIQ) for AKs in OTRs.
Methods: OTRs (n = 35) with 572 AKs (grade I-III) in two similar areas on the face, scalp, dorsal hands or forearms were included. All patients received one MAL-PDT and one IMIQ session (three applications per week for 4 weeks) in each study area according to randomization. Treatments were repeated after 2 months (IMIQ) and 3 months (PDT) in skin with incomplete AK response. Outcome measures were complete lesion response (CR), skin reactions, laboratory results and treatment preference.
Results: The majority of study areas received two treatment sessions (PDT n = 25 patients; IMIQ n = 29 patients). At 3 months after two treatments, skin treated with PDT achieved a higher rate of CR (AK I-III median 78%; range 50-100) compared with IMIQ-treated skin areas (median 61%, range 33-100; P < 0·001). Fewer emergent AKs were seen in PDT-treated skin vs. IMIQ-treated skin (0·7 vs. 1·5 AKs, P = 0·04). Patients developed more intense inflammatory skin reactions following PDT, which resolved more rapidly compared with IMIQ (median 10 days vs. 18 days, P < 0·01). Patient preference (P = 0·47) and cosmesis (P > 0·30) were similar for PDT and IMIQ.
Conclusions: Compared with IMIQ, PDT treatment obtained a higher rate of AK clearance at 3-month follow-up and achieved shorter-lasting, but more intense, short-term skin reactions.
© 2017 British Association of Dermatologists.