One of the challenges in research on teaching physician-patient communication is how to assess communication, necessary for evaluating training, the learning process, and for feedback. Few instruments have been validated for real physician-patient consultations. Real consultations involve unique contexts, different persons, and topics, and are difficult to compare. The aim of this study is to develop and validate a rating scale for assessment of such consultations. For the evaluation study of a communication skills training for physicians in oncology, real consultations were recorded in three assessment points. Based on earlier work and on current studies, a new instrument was developed for assessment of these consultations. Two psychologists were trained in using the instrument and assessed 42 consultations. For inter-rater reliability, interclass correlation (ICC) was calculated. The final version of the rating scales consists of 13 items evaluated on a 5-point scale. The items are grouped in seven areas: "Start of conversation," "assessment of the patient's perspective," "structure of conversation," "emotional issues," "end of conversation," "general communication skills," and "overall evaluation." ICC coefficients for the domains ranged from .44 to .77. An overall coefficient of all items resulted in an ICC of .66. The ComOn-Coaching Rating Scales are a short, reliable, and applicable instrument for the assessment of real physician-patient consultations in oncology. If adapted, they could be used in other areas. They were developed for research and teaching purposes and meet the required methodological criteria. Rater training should be considered more deeply by further research.
Keywords: Clinical competence; Communication; Communication assessment; Data accuracy; Medical oncology/education; Physician-patient relations.