Background: An estimated 1.2 million American adults engage in sexual and drug use behaviors that place them at significant risk of acquiring HIV infection. Engagement in health care for the provision of daily oral antiretroviral medication as preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), when clinically indicated, could substantially reduce the number of new HIV infections in these persons. However, resources to cover the financial cost of PrEP care are anticipated barriers for many of the populations with high numbers of new HIV infections.
Methods: Using nationally representative data, we estimated the current national met and unmet need for financial assistance with covering the cost of PrEP medication, clinical visits, and laboratory tests among adults with indications for its use, overall and by transmission risk population.
Results: This study found that of the 1.2 million adults estimated to have indications for PrEP use, <1% (∼7300) are in need of financial assistance for both PrEP medication and clinical care, at an estimated annual cost of $89 million. An additional 7% (∼86,300) are in need of financial assistance only for PrEP clinical care at an estimated annual cost of $119 million.
Conclusions: This information on PrEP care costs, insurance coverage, and unmet financial need among persons in key HIV transmission risk subpopulations can inform policy makers at all levels as they consider how to address remaining financial barriers to the use of PrEP and accommodate any changes in eligibility for various insurance and financial assistance programs that may occur in coming years.