Gas effect on the emission and detection of the backscattered electrons in a VP-SEM at low energy

Ultramicroscopy. 2018 Jan;184(Pt A):17-23. doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2017.08.002. Epub 2017 Aug 12.


The effect of the electron beam skirting on the emission and detection of the backscattered electrons (BSE) in a low vacuum scanning electron microscope is investigated at low energy regime. Monte Carlo computed dependencies of the BSE distribution on the water vapor and air pressure shown a significant increase of the extent of the BSE exit zone. The pressure variation has however a little effect when helium gas is used. A new approach based on the comparison between the sizes of the skirt and the BSE exit zone on the specimen surface provides a useful tool to determine the operating pressure range that ensures minimal degradation of the lateral resolution in BSE imaging mode.

Keywords: Backscattered electrons; Diffused fraction; Skirt; VP-SEM.