Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is increasingly used in the management of hepatobiliary lesions, allowing staging and tissue acquisition. It is operator-dependent, and fine needle aspiration (FNA) of solid lesions provides an auditable standard; high-volume centres have shown excellent results for solid pancreatic lesion FNA with sensitivities of 92%-97%. The British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines stress that clinical quality should determine service provision, with geographical accessibility a secondary consideration. We set up the Wessex EUS network, working from a single hepatobiliary (HPB) pancreatic multidisciplinary team, with EUS provided in four local centres providing agreed standards and audit. Pancreatic solid lesion FNA results showed a pooled sensitivity of 94%, comparable with high-volume single centres. This demonstrates a network with good clinical governance is a plausible solution to providing a specialist service such as EUS and may be a roadmap that other specialist services under pressure could follow.