An arms race is an appropriate metaphor to use for the interaction of man and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) through the millennia. Estimates of the time of infection of modern humans with M.tb often pre-date the Out-of-Africa migration. Humans have adapted to the changing environment during the migration with respect to climate, food sources and encounters with local pathogens. More recently, there has been adaptation to the demographic changes brought about in the majority of the human population by the Neolithic revolution. By chance and/or selection, specific variants in immune defence have arisen in different population groups. These select for M.tb strains more fit to cause disease and be transmitted, sometimes by exploiting defence systems effective on other bacteria. The different selection pressures on the M.tb lineages carried by specific human groups have resulted in a worldwide M.tb population that is geographically structured according to the humans historically found there. A similar structure is seen with pathogens such as M. leprae and Helicobacter pylori. Modern M.tb strains have emerged which may be more fit, such as the Beijing lineage, leading to their rapid spread both in the areas where they arose, and into new areas after recent introduction. The speed at which this is occurring is outpacing coevolution for the time being. By using the results of genome wide and other association studies, as well as admixture mapping and 'natural experiments' in areas where both a number of populations, admixed populations, and a variety of M.tb strains occur, we can investigate the forces that have driven the coevolution of man and M.tb. The diversity of human and bacterial genetic background may be used in the future to discover and target the specific host-pathogen interactions leading to tuberculosis diseases, which suggests the potential for rational design of vaccines and host-directed therapies.
Keywords: Admixture; Coevolution; Human evolution; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Strain lineages.
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