Objective: To explore the distribution of HIV subtype in newly detected people living with HIV from January to November, 2015 in Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province. Methods: DNA extraction, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for gag, env, and pol amplification and amplification product sequencing were conducted by using plasmas of newly detected HIV-infected persons. The subtypes were confirmed by analyzing the sequences of 3 genes. Results: A total of 963 HIV infection cases were reported during this period, the HIV subtype was confirmed in 499 cases. Unique recombinant form (URF) was the most common subtype (27.1%, 135/499), followed by C (26.7%, 133/499), CRF01_AE (19.2%, 96/499) and others. URF included 4 kinds of combination, of which combination of subtype B and C was most common. HIV subtype distribution differed between the Chinese HIV infection cases and the Burmese HIV infection cases, the proportion of B and C combination was higher in the Chinese cases. Transmission route was the only factor influencing HIV subtype distribution. Conclusions: HIV subtype distribution in Dehong was complex. URF was predominant. The HIV subtype distribution differed between Chinese and Burmese under different transmission route.
目的: 分析云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州(德宏州)2015年1-11月新报告HIV感染者亚型,掌握德宏州中国籍和缅甸籍HIV感染者亚型分布特征。 方法: 对德宏州2015年1-11月新报告的HIV感染者且血浆量在200 μl以上的标本进行核酸抽提,使用RT-PCR方法对HIV的gag、env和pol 3个基因进行反转录扩增,所得产物直接测序,确定亚型型别。 结果: 2015年1-11月德宏州新报告HIV感染者963例,成功测定HIV亚型的感染者499例。独特重组(URFs)比例最大(27.1%,135/499);其后为C(26.7%,133/499)和CRF01_AE(19.2%,96/499)等亚型。URFs中主要包括4种形式的重组,其中以BC亚型重组最多。中国籍和缅甸籍感染者的亚型分布特征不同,传播方式是唯一与中国籍和缅甸籍感染者亚型分布有关联的因素。 结论: 德宏州中国籍和缅甸籍HIV感染者亚型分布复杂,URFs首次居分布首位。中国籍和缅甸籍感染者亚型分布有差异,但主要受HIV传播方式的影响。.
Keywords: Burmese; Chinese; Human immunodeficiency virus; Subtype distribution.