AGEPC administration into Wistar rats caused no remarkable thrombocytopenia, slight decrease of the percent count of PMNs in whole blood accompanied by anequal leukocytopenia and a transient increase in hematocrit, due to fluid extraversion. Apart from the dramatic fall in blood pressure caused by AGEPC, relatively sinus bradycardia was recorded at doses over 6 micrograms/kg b.w. S-T segment elevation, mainly evident in II, III and AVF leads, was also recorded within the first minutes after AGEPC administration, at doses over 1 microgram/kg b.w. At lethal doses, various degrees of A-V block resulting in complete A-V block with idioventricular rhythm, or injury pattern resulting in ventricular fibrillation or ventricular flutter, were recorded. At sublethal doses no arrhythic manifestations were recorded, while S-T segment elevation upward inversion became gradually normal.