71 leukaemic patients having HLA-matched bone-marrow transplants (BMT) were randomised to receive whole marrow (group A) or marrow depleted of T cells by treatment with monoclonal antibodies (anti CD4-CD5-CD8, group B; anti CD2-CD5-CD7, group C) plus complement. All patients received cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation before transplantation and cyclosporin after BMT. Marrow treatment removed 97% of T cells (median) in group B and 99% in group C. Although both serious and mild graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) were reduced in T-cell depleted patients, graft failure and relapse were increased. Graft failure was caused by GVHD and transplant complications in the controls and by rejection and relapse in the T-cell depleted groups; relapse-free survival did not differ between the groups. Without better control of host immunity and of the residual leukaemia T-cell depletion of the marrow, BMT should not be pursued in standard-risk patients.