Key points: Vestibular type I and type II hair cells and their afferent fibres send information to the brain regarding the position and movement of the head. The characteristic feature of type I hair cells is the expression of a low-voltage-activated outward rectifying K+ current, IK,L , whose biophysical properties and molecular identity are still largely unknown. In vitro, the afferent nerve calyx surrounding type I hair cells causes unstable intercellular K+ concentrations, altering the biophysical properties of IK,L . We found that in the absence of the calyx, IK,L in type I hair cells exhibited unique biophysical activation properties, which were faithfully reproduced by an allosteric channel gating scheme. These results form the basis for a molecular and pharmacological identification of IK,L .
Abstract: Type I and type II hair cells are the sensory receptors of the mammalian vestibular epithelia. Type I hair cells are characterized by their basolateral membrane being enveloped in a single large afferent nerve terminal, named the calyx, and by the expression of a low-voltage-activated outward rectifying K+ current, IK,L . The biophysical properties and molecular profile of IK,L are still largely unknown. By using the patch-clamp whole-cell technique, we examined the voltage- and time-dependent properties of IK,L in type I hair cells of the mouse semicircular canal. We found that the biophysical properties of IK,L were affected by an unstable K+ equilibrium potential (Veq K+ ). Both the outward and inward K+ currents shifted Veq K+ consistent with K+ accumulation or depletion, respectively, in the extracellular space, which we attributed to a residual calyx attached to the basolateral membrane of the hair cells. We therefore optimized the hair cell dissociation protocol in order to isolate mature type I hair cells without their calyx. In these cells, the uncontaminated IK,L showed a half-activation at -79.6 mV and a steep voltage dependence (2.8 mV). IK,L also showed complex activation and deactivation kinetics, which we faithfully reproduced by an allosteric channel gating scheme where the channel is able to open from all (five) closed states. The 'early' open states substantially contribute to IK,L activation at negative voltages. This study provides the first complete description of the 'native' biophysical properties of IK,L in adult mouse vestibular type I hair cells.
Keywords: IK,L; channel gating model; type I vestibular hair cell.
© 2017 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Physiological Society.