Herein, we report two cases of urethral clear cell carcinoma in two patients who had previously undergone radical hysterectomyfor utetine cancer. Case 1 presented with bloodyvaginal discharge and case 2 presented with acute urinaryretention. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a periurethral tumor in both cases. Both cases were suspected to be recurrence at first. However, pathological findings of the transurethral resection-biopsyshowed clear cell adenocarcinoma in both cases. Subsequentlyradical cystourethrectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy were performed in both cases. Surgical findings showed tumor invasion of the vaginal muscularis in case 1 and invasion of the anterior wall of the vagina and bladder neck in case 2. Although adjuvant postoperative therapywas not performed, there has been no evidence of recurrence to date.
Keywords: Clear cell adenocarcinoma; Urethral cancer.