Objective: To understand the major high risk behaviors and related factors among reported HIV/AIDS cases aged ≥60 years in some areas of Henan province. Methods: In Dengzhou, Xunxian county of Hebi and Xiangcheng county of Xuchang, where the reported number and proportion of HIV/AIDS cases aged ≥60 years were high, a face to face interview was conducted among the cases aged ≥60 years during July-August in 2016. The information about the high risk behaviors before HIV infection confirmation were collected by using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: A total of 33 HIV/AIDS cases aged ≥60 years were interviewed, including 28 males and 5 females. Their average age was 67.4 years. The infection route was sexual contact. The main findings revealed that the main factor for HIV infection in elder males was commercial heterosexual behavior with local female sex workers. The condom use rate was low. The poor awareness of the knowledge about AIDS prevention could explain why the elderly could not recognize the risk of HIV infection. There were also homosexual and bisexual behaviors in elder male HIV/AIDS patients. Late detection of HIV transmission among couples was the main cause of HIV infection in elder women. Conclusions: The major epidemiological related factors for HIV infection in the elderly in some areas of Henan were unsafe sex behavior and the poor awareness of knowledge about AIDS prevention. A targeted strategy should be taken to control the spread of HIV in the elderly.
目的: 了解≥60岁HIV感染者/AIDS病例(HIV/AIDS)感染HIV的主要原因、行为特征和造成HIV传播的相关因素。 方法: 2016年7-8月,选择≥60岁HIV/AIDS例数及构成比均较高的邓州市、鹤壁市浚县和许昌市襄城县作为研究现场,招募新报告≥60岁HIV/AIDS进行一对一深入访谈,详细了解其确认前的行为特征和相关因素。 结果: 共访谈33名≥60岁HIV/AIDS,男性28例,女性5例,平均年龄67.4岁。感染途径均为性传播。访谈结果显示:商业异性性行为是≥60岁老年男性感染HIV的主要因素,商业异性性行为的对象主要是低档暗娼,安全套使用率低;艾滋病防治知识缺乏是老年人不能正确认识HIV感染危险的主要因素;老年男性病例还存在同性性行为和双性性行为;晚发现导致的夫妻间性传播是老年女性感染HIV的主要因素。 结论: 艾滋病防治知识缺乏和无保护性行为是老年人感染HIV的主要因素,需制定有针对性的防制策略,控制HIV在老年人的传播。.
Keywords: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Elderly; High risk behavior; Related factor.