Recent developments in social media and cloud storage lead to an exponential growth in the amount of multimedia data, which increases the complexity of managing, storing, indexing, and retrieving information from such big data. Many current content-based concept detection approaches lag from successfully bridging the semantic gap. To solve this problem, a multi-stage random forest framework is proposed to generate predictor variables based on multivariate regressions using variable importance (VIMP). By fine tuning the forests and significantly reducing the predictor variables, the concept detection scores are evaluated when the concept of interest is rare and imbalanced, i.e., having little collaboration with other high level concepts. Using classical multivariate statistics, estimating the value of one coordinate using other coordinates standardizes the covariates and it depends upon the variance of the correlations instead of the mean. Thus, conditional dependence on the data being normally distributed is eliminated. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms those approaches in the comparison in terms of the Mean Average Precision (MAP) values.
Keywords: Multimedia imbalanced concept detection; Multivariate regression; Random forests; Variable importance (VIMP).