We have used a 1.05-kb unique genomic fragment from the 5' end of the apolipoprotein (apo) CIII gene to identify a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) detected with the restriction enzyme PvuII, in the apoCIII-apoAIV intergenic region. In a sample of 220 normolipidaemic individuals from the UK population, the frequency of the rare allele, VB2 is 0.054. The PvuII polymorphism is in apparent linkage equilibrium with three other RFLPs of this gene cluster, detected with the restriction enzymes XmnI, PstI and SstI, but in linkage disequilibrium with an RFLP in the apo-CIII gene also detected with PvuII. Taken together, these five RFLPs have a PIC (polymorphism information content) value of 0.8, and therefore are informative for genetic studies. Individuals with the genotype VB1VB2 had lower mean concentrations of apoAI, and HDL-cholesterol than individuals with the genotype VB1VB1. However these differences were not statistically significant.