The Listeria monocytogenes strains selected in the present study exhibited similar behavior in biofilm formation, independently of the tested conditions (bacteriocin from L. plantarum ST8SH, vancomycin, propolis (a natural antimicrobial product) and EDTA (chelating agent)), individual or in associations. The individual application of vancomycin had better inhibitory activity than that of propolis and EDTA; however, the association of the previously mentioned antimicrobial agents with bacteriocins resulted in better performance. However, when we compared the effects of vancomycin, propolis and EDTA, we could clearly observe that the combined application of bacteriocin and vancomycin was more effective than the combination of bacteriocin and propolis, and bacteriocin and EDTA. Considering the current need to reduce the use of antimicrobials and chemical substances in food processing, propolis can represent an alternative to improve the inhibitory effect of bacteriocins against L. monocytogenes biofilm formation, based on the obtained results. In general, high concentrations of bacteriocin produced by L. plantarum ST8SH were more effective in biofilm inhibition, and similar results were observed for vancomycin and propolis; however, all tested EDTA concentrations had similar effect on biofilm formation.
Keywords: Bacterias lácticas; Bacteriocin; Bacteriocina; Biofilm; EDTA; Lactic acid bacteria; Lactobacillus plantarum; Listeria monocytogenes; Propolis; Própolis; Vancomicina; Vancomycin.
Copyright © 2017 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.