Chronic somatic conditions, such as psoriasis, arthritis psoriatica and rheumatoid arthritis, have a large impact on patients' lives. Tailored therapist-guided internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy (ICBT) has been shown to be effective in improving physical and psychological well-being in these patients. Two cases are presented here, in order to provide an in-depth illustration of the course and content of this novel treatment and to investigate the therapeutic alliance in an online treatment. After face-to-face intakes, both patients received therapist-guided ICBT tailored to their specific problems and treatment goals. The treatment resulted in improved physical and psychological well-being and these clinically significant improvements were maintained at 6-month follow-up. In addition, the therapeutic relationship was evaluated positively by both patients and increased further during treatment, indicating an adequate therapeutic working alliance in this online treatment. These case reports show that tailored ICBT may contribute to improved care for patients with chronic somatic conditions.