Antitremor effects of systemically administered GABA agonists (GABA and sodium valproate) and GABA antagonists (bicuculline and picrotoxin) were studied in mice against tremorine-induced tremors. None of the GABA agonists were found to possess any antitremor effect, whereas GABA antagonists were found to possess protective effect against tremorine-induced tremors. Simultaneous administration of GABA agonists with sub-effective doses of anticholinergic agent (scopolamine) did not potentiate antitremor effect of scopolamine, whereas GABA antagonists and effective doses of scopolamine when administered simultaneously resulted in antagonism of protective effect of scopolamine. Similarly, when GABA agonists and sub-effective doses of dopaminergic agent, bromocriptine, were administered simultaneously, the protective effect of bromocriptine was potentiated. When GABA antagonists and effective doses of bromocriptine were administered simultaneously, the protective effect of bromocriptine was antagonized. The modification of the protective effect of anticholinergic and dopaminergic agents by GABAergic agents has been explained on the basis of neurotransmitter interaction.