Purpose: The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of physician attire and behavior on perceptions of care by ICU visitors in Japan.
Materials and methods: Visitors were surveyed including 117 at a community hospital and 106 at a university hospital. Demographic data (age, gender, relationship to patient, length of stay) were collected. A seven-point Likert scale (1=strongly agree, 4=neutral, 7=strongly disagree) was used to judge physician attire (name tag, white coat, scrubs, short sleeve shirts, blue jeans, sneakers, clogs), behavior (addressing a patient, carrying a snack) and overall effect on perception of care.
Results: There are no significant differences (p>0.05) in demographics comparing the two ICUs, except for increased length of stay at the university ICU. Visitors scored the importance of a name tag (median 2, Interquartile Range 1-2), white coat [3,1-4], addressing the patient by last name [2,1-3], wearing scrubs [3,2-4], sneakers [4,3-5], clogs [4,4-5], short sleeves (4,3.5-5), blue jeans [5,4-6], and carrying a snack [6,5-7]. Visitors scored "attire affects perceptions of care" as [3,2-4].
Conclusions: Physician attire in the ICU affects perceptions of care. Implementation of attire guidelines which require clothing that does not meet visitor preferences should be accompanied by education programs.
Keywords: ICU visitors; Infection control; Intensive care unit; Perception of care; Physician attire; White coat.
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