External Validation of a Gastric Cancer Nomogram Derived from a Large-volume Center Using Dataset from a Medium-volume Center

J Gastric Cancer. 2017 Sep;17(3):204-211. doi: 10.5230/jgc.2017.17.e21. Epub 2017 Jul 31.


Purpose: Recently, a nomogram predicting overall survival after gastric resection was developed and externally validated in Korea and Japan. However, this gastric cancer nomogram is derived from large-volume centers, and the applicability of the nomogram in smaller centers must be proven. The purpose of this study is to externally validate the gastric cancer nomogram using a dataset from a medium-volume center in Korea.

Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 610 patients who underwent radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer from August 1, 2005 to December 31, 2011. Age, sex, number of metastatic lymph nodes (LNs), number of examined LNs, depth of invasion, and location of the tumor were investigated as variables for validation of the nomogram. Both discrimination and calibration of the nomogram were evaluated.

Results: The discrimination was evaluated using Harrell's C-index. The Harrell's C-index was 0.83 and the discrimination of the gastric cancer nomogram was appropriate. Regarding calibration, the 95% confidence interval of predicted survival appeared to be on the ideal reference line except in the poorest survival group. However, we observed a tendency for actual survival to be constantly higher than predicted survival in this cohort.

Conclusions: Although the discrimination power was good, actual survival was slightly higher than that predicted by the nomogram. This phenomenon might be explained by elongated life span in the recent patient cohort due to advances in adjuvant chemotherapy and improved nutritional status. Future gastric cancer nomograms should consider elongated life span with the passage of time.

Keywords: Nomograms; Stomach neoplasms; Survival; Validation studies.