Background: during this century, therapeutic management of rectal cancer has known a lot of advances. Survival is still depending on factors related to the patient, the tumor or the surgeon.
Aim: The aim of our study is to report survival and prognosis factors of our patients managed for a rectal cancer.
Methods: We report an descreptive retrospective study about 154 patients. SPSS 19.0 version was used for the statistical analysis. Desriptive study was done using means, and pourcentage. Survival was analysed using Kaplan meier curve. In univariate analysis, we calculated the odd ratio in order to evaluate risk factors. Multivariate analysis used Cox model. Significancy was 0.05.
Results: Global survival was 52.4% at 3 years and 42.4% at 5 years. Free reccurence survival was 76% at 3 years and 69.15% at 5 years. In univariate analysis, factors significantly influencing survival were age>70 years, CAE level, tumor perforation, TNM, tumor differentiation, peroperative blood transfusion, and reccurency. In multivriate analysis, only age > 70 years, T and local reccurency were independants factors influencing survival.
Conclusion: A better knowledge of prognosis factors ead to a better management of this cancer with more adjuvant treatment indications and closer monitoring.