An important issue related to code biology concerns the cell's informational relationships with the environment. As an open self-producing system, a great variety of inputs and outputs are necessary for the living cell, not only consisting of matter and energy but also involving information flows. The analysis here of the simplest cells will involve two basic aspects. On the one side, the molecular apparatuses of the prokaryotic signaling system, with all its variety of environmental signals and component pathways (which have been called 1-2-3 Component Systems), including the role of a few second messengers which have been pointed out in bacteria too. And in the other side, the gene transcription system as depending not only on signaling inputs but also on a diversity of factors. Amidst the continuum of energy, matter, and information flows, there seems to be evidence for signaling codes, mostly established around the arrangement of life-cycle stages, in large metabolic changes, or in the relationships with conspecifics (quorum sensing) and within microbial ecosystems. Additionally, and considering the complexity growth of signaling systems from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, four avenues or "roots" for the advancement of such complexity would come out. A comparative will be established in between the signaling strategies and organization of both kinds of cellular systems. Finally, a new characterization of "informational architectures" will be proposed in order to explain the coding spectrum of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic signaling systems. Among other evolutionary aspects, cellular strategies for the construction of novel functional codes via the intermixing of informational architectures could be related to the persistence of retro-elements with obvious viral ancestry.
Keywords: 1-2-3 component systems; Code biology; Coding spectrum; Eukaryotic signaling; Information flow; Informational architectures; Prokaryotic signaling.
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