Parcellation of Human Amygdala Subfields Using Orientation Distribution Function and Spectral K-means Clustering

Comput Diffus MRI. 2016 Oct:2016:123-132. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54130-3_10. Epub 2017 May 13.


Amygdala plays an important role in fear and emotional learning, which are critical for human survival. Despite the functional relevance and unique circuitry of each human amygdaloid subnuclei, there has yet to be an efficient imaging method for identifying these regions in vivo. A data-driven approach without prior knowledge provides advantages of efficient and objective assessments. The present study uses high angular and high spatial resolution diffusion magnetic resonance imaging to generate orientation distribution function, which bears distinctive microstructural features. The features were extracted using spherical harmonic decomposition to assess microstructural similarity within amygdala subfields are identified via similarity matrices using spectral k-mean clustering. The approach was tested on 32 healthy volunteers and three distinct amygdala subfields were identified including medial, posterior-superior lateral, and anterior-inferior lateral.

Keywords: Amygdala; Diffusion; Orientation Distribution Function; Parcellation; Spectral Clustering; Spherical Harmonic; Subfield.