Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an auto-immune demyelinating disorder characterized by a chronic neuro-inflammatory process associated with an infiltration of the central nervous system (CNS) by autoreactive lymphocytes. The etiology of the disease remains unclear but the recent discovery of a dysregulated miRNA network in both cells and extracellular fluids of MS patients has brought new insights on the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in this disorder. miRNAs can induce a T cell polarization towards a pathological Th17 or Th1 phenotype and a deleterious activation of microglia, the CNS-resident macrophages. We provide here a review of the most recent data regarding miRNA dysregulation and pathophysiological roles in MS patients and in the animal model of MS, EAE (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis). Moreover, we discuss the putative clinical value of miRNAs as a novel biomarker and diagnostic tool for MS.
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