We report the complete genome sequence of five bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) isolates (CK-GL1, CK-GL3, CK-GL4, CK-GL5 and Vfaba2) that share 74.6-98.9% (nucleotide) and 81.5-99.1% (amino acid) identity with globally available BYMV sequences. Phylogenetic analysis clustered them specifically in BYMV phylogenetic group-IV within the existing nine groups. The CK-GL1, CK-GL2, CK-GL4 and CK-GL5 isolates formed a discrete cluster within group-IV. The present study suggests subdivision of group-IV into subgroup-IVa and IVb. Moreover, infectivity assays using in vitro RNA transcripts from subgroup-IVa (CK-GL3 isolate) and IVb (CK-GL1 isolate) showed distinct biological differences between the isolates supporting subdivision.