[Proteomic profiling of HaCaT keratinocytes exposed to skin damaging detergents]

Biomed Khim. 2017 Oct;63(5):405-412. doi: 10.18097/PBMC20176305405.
[Article in Russian]


The effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (25 mg/ml) and Triton X-100 (12.5 mg/ml and 25 mg/ml) on the HaCaT immortalized keratinocytes exposed to these surfactants for 48 h were studied. Using shotgun proteomics, a comparative analysis of the proteomic profiles of control and experimental cells after surfactants exposure was carried out. 260 common proteins were identified in control and experimental cells; 33 proteins were found in cells exposed to all three treatments, but not in control cells. These 33 proteins apparently reflect a nonspecific (universal) response of cells to toxic damage by the surfactants. These proteins are associated with activation of cell proliferation, changes in the functional activity of their ER and mitochondria, increased mRNA stability and activation of protein degradation processes in the cells. The possibility of using these proteins as a nonspecific parameter of cell response to cytotoxic damage is discussed. The mass spectrometry proteomics data ("raw", "mgf" and "xml" files) have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifiers PXD007789 and PXD007776.

Issledovano vliianie dodetsilsul'fata natriia (v kontsentratsii 25 mkg/ml) i tritona Kh-100 (v kontsentratsiiakh 12,5 i 25 mkg/ml) na kletochnuiu kul'turu immortalizovannykh keratinotsitov linii HaCaT v techenie 48 ch. Metodom panoramnoĭ mass-spektrometrii proveden sravnitel'nyĭ analiz proteomnogo profilia kontrol'nykh kletok HaCaT i kletok posle vozdeĭstviia poverkhnostno-aktivnymi veshchestvami (PAV). Vyiavleno 260 belkov obshchikh dlia kontrol'nykh i opytnykh kletok i 33 belka, poiavliaiushchikhsia posle vozdeĭstviia dodetsilsul'fata natriia i tritona Kh-100 i ne vstrechaiushchikhsia v kontrole, chto, po-vidimomu, mozhet otrazhat' nespetsificheskiĭ (universal'nyĭ) otvet kletok na toksicheskoe povrezhdenie PAV. Dannye belki assotsiirovany s aktivatsieĭ protsessov proliferatsii kletok, izmeneniem funktsional'noĭ aktivnosti ikh ÉR i mitokhondriĭ, povysheniem stabil'nosti mRNK i aktivatsieĭ protsessov degradatsii belka v kletkakh. Obsuzhdaetsia vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniia étikh belkov v kachestve nespetsificheskogo parametra otveta kletok na tsitotoksicheskoe povrezhdenie. Mass-spektrometricheskie dannye (v formatakh “raw” i “mgf”) i rezul'taty poiska peptidov/belkov (“xml” format) dostupny dlia prosmotra v publichnom depozitarii ProteomeXchange (identifikatory PXD007789 i PXD007776).

Keywords: HaCaT keratinocytes; Triton X-100; mass-spectrometry; proteome; sodium dodecyl sulfate; toxicity.

MeSH terms

  • Detergents / adverse effects*
  • Feeder Cells
  • Humans
  • Keratinocytes / drug effects*
  • Keratinocytes / metabolism
  • Proteome / metabolism*
  • Proteomics
  • Skin
  • Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate


  • Detergents
  • Proteome
  • Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate