The rational use of plants as medicine is traced back over five epochs to ancient documents of early civilizations and is certainly as old as mankind. These medicines originally developed from crude drugs like tinctures and tinctures. Minimum 119 chemical substances are derived from 90 plant species and used all over the world as medicines, several of them containing compounds derived from or modelled after naturally occurring lead molecules and 74% of these derived from orthodox medicinal plants. 252 drugs (11%) are believed to be basic and essential by the WHO and are exclusively of plant origin. We have examined anti-urease activity of ethyl alcohol (Et-OH) and methyl alcohol (Me-OH) extracts of H. rhamnoides and Cassia fistula. Berthelot assay was used for the determination of anti-urease activity. The enzyme activity and inhibition was measured through catalytic effects of urease on urea by measuring change in absorbance in the absence and in the presence of inhibitor at 625nm using UV spectrophotometer. In the study, both Et-OH and Me-OH extracts of H. rhamnoides (91.69%±1.21) and C. fisstula (79.44%±0.55) showed stronger action against urease activity. An overview on the medicinal uses of H. rhamnoides and C. fisstula showing anti-urease activity may predict their possible alternative use for stomach problems. This study may help to explain the beneficial effects of these plants against stomach infection associated with pathogenic strains of H. pylori as Urease is the most prominent protein component of H. pylori.