Template-Assisted Formation of Nanostructured Dopamine-Modified Polymers

Nanomaterials (Basel). 2017 Nov 2;7(11):364. doi: 10.3390/nano7110364.


Dopamine-modified alginate and gelatin were prepared. The polymers were characterized and the properties of their aqueous solutions were investigated. Aqueous solutions of dopamine-modified alginate and gelatin with a concentration exceeding 20 mg/mL naturally formed gels after 16 h. Although polydopamine itself was not used for template-assisted nanostructure formation, the modified polymers could be used with dopamine. Mixing with dopamine allowed the precise shape of the template to be maintained in the resulting material, allowing nanopatterned surfaces and nanotubes to be prepared.

Keywords: catechol; dopamine; modified polymer; nanostructure; template.