Purpose: To assess predictors of stated support for policies promoting physically active transportation.
Design: Cross-sectional.
Setting: US counties selected on county-level physical activity and obesity health status.
Participants: Participants completing random-digit dialed telephone survey (n = 906).
Measures: Survey measures assessed stated support for 5 policies to promote physically active transportation, access to active transportation facilities, and time spent in a car. County-level estimates included household car dependence and funding for bicycle-pedestrian projects.
Analysis: Multivariable generalized linear mixed models using binary distribution and logit link, accounting for clustering within county.
Results: Respondents supported policies for accommodating bicyclists and pedestrians through street improvements (89%), school active transportation programs (75%), employer-funded active commuting incentives (67%), and allocation of public funding (68%) and tax support (56%) for building and maintaining public transit. Residents spending >2 h/d (vs <0.7 hours) in cars were more likely to support street (odds ratio [OR]: 1.87; confidence interval [CI]: 1.09-3.22) and public transit (OR: 1.85; CI: 1.24-2.77) improvements. Residents in counties investing >$1.6 million in bicycle and pedestrian improvements expressed greater support for funding (OR: 1.71; CI: 1.04-2.83) and tax increases (OR: 1.73; CI: 1.08-2.75) for transit improvements compared to those with lower prior investments (<$276 100).
Conclusion: Support for policies to enable active transportation is higher where relevant investments in active transportation infrastructure are large (>$1.6 M), public transit is nearby, and respondents drive >2 h/d.
Keywords: active tranpsort; active transportation; car use; driving; physical activity; policy; public transit.