As the second term of our commitment to Journal begins, we, the editors, would like to reflect on a few topics that have relevance today. These include prognostication and paradigm shifts; Serial testing: How to handle data? Is the change in perfusion predictive of outcome and which one? Ischemia-guided therapy: fractional flow reserve vs perfusion vs myocardial blood flow; positron emission tomography (PET) imaging using Rubidium-82 vs N-13 ammonia vs F-18 Flurpiridaz; How to differentiate microvascular disease from 3-vessel disease by PET? The imaging scene outside the United States, what are the differences and similarities? Radiation exposure; Special issues with the new cameras? Is attenuation correction needed? Are there normal databases and are these specific to each camera system? And finally, hybrid imaging with single-photon emission tomography or PET combined with computed tomography angiography or coronary calcium score. We hope these topics are of interest to our readers.
Keywords: Myocardial perfusion imaging; coronary artery disease; nuclear imaging; positron emission tomography; prognosis; single-photon emission tomography.