While the term 'biomarker' is relatively new, the concept is millennia old. However, with the introduction of new technologies to discover potential biomarkers comes the need to assess their utility and veracity for any given use. This is particularly true for the use of biomarkers to support regulatory decisions in medical product development. Hence the US Food and Drug Administration has developed processes for the qualification of biomarkers and other medical product development tools, processes that are underscored by recent legislation (i.e. the 21st Century Cures Act). In addition to these qualification processes, diagnostic tests that measure a biomarker may follow a process for regulatory decision through the processes that evaluate companion diagnostics. This mini-review provides an overview of these processes and their role in pharmaceutical development and clinical use. Impact statement This work summarizes very recent developments in the US FDA's biomarker qualification program. Furthermore, it contrasts biomarker qualification with companion diagnostic evaluation. As such, it will be highly informative for researches considering taking a biomarker discovery farther along the road to validation.
Keywords: Biomarkers; Food and Drug Administration; diagnostic; drugs; qualification; validation.