Fresh ricotta (whey cheese), owing to its technological characteristics and intrinsic parameters (pH and aw), is an excellent substrate for the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. On 19 July 2010, Campania buffalo ricotta cheese was assigned to the register of Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) by the European Commission, with EC Reg. 634/2010. It is mainly produced in the provinces of Caserta and Salerno around the rivers Garigliano and Volturno, the plain of the river Sele and the area of Cilento. This article reports the results of a 9-month monitoring (from May 2014 to January 2015) of ricotta samples aiming at evaluate the microbial status of some cheese factories, since ricotta is considered particularly suitable to judge the hygienic level of the dairy establishments. Four dairies were selected for sampling according to their different structural characteristics and the adequacy of both their premises and equipment.
Keywords: Campania buffalo ricotta cheese; Monitoring; Pseudomonas; Total mesophilic bacteria.