A new digital 4πγ system with a NaI well-type detector at LMR-CNEA

Appl Radiat Isot. 2018 Apr:134:337-339. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.10.024. Epub 2017 Oct 19.


A 4πγ integral counting system with a NaI(Tl) well-type detector and a digital interface to acquire measurement data was implemented at LMR-CNEA. The detection efficiency as a function of the energy was computed by Monte Carlo simulations and the total efficiencies for ampoules and point sources were calculated considering all the decay branches. A computer code was developed to analyse data. This program reads the files generated by the digitizer module, corrects for dead time and calculates source activities and their uncertainties. Ampoules with solutions of 113Sn, 192Ir and 131I were measured.