Resident physicians routinely perform bedside procedures that pose substantial risk to patients. However, no standard programmatic approach to supervision and procedural competency assessment among residents currently exists. The authors performed a national survey of internal medicine (IM) program directors to examine procedural assessment and supervision practices of IM residency programs. Procedures chosen were those commonly performed by medicine residents at the bedside. Of the 368 IM programs, 226 (61%) completed the survey. Programs reported the predominant method of training as 171 (74%) apprenticeship and 106 (46%) as module based. The majority of programs used direct observation to attest to competence, with 55% to 62% relying on credentialed residents. Most programs also relied on a minimum number of procedures to determine competence (64%-88%), 72% of which reported 5 procedures (a lapsed historical standard). This national survey demonstrates that procedural assessment practices for IM residents are insufficiently robust and may put patients at undue risk.
Keywords: assessment; medical education—graduate; procedural competence; procedural credentialing; procedural training.