Olders patients are exposed to iatrogenic risk as they are often frail, with multiple pathologies and therefore polymedicated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of treatment in the elderly before and after a time of oral therapeutic education accompanied by the submission of a written educational support. The impact of that education on the adhesion was also evaluated.
Methods: We've included patients aged at least 75 years old, living at home, and managing themselves their treatment. At study entry, patients were evaluated by their regular physician about knowledge and compliance of their treatment and were receiving therapeutic education time. Three months later, knowledge and adherence to treatment were re-evaluated by the treating physician during an interview. The adhesion was evaluated using the Morisky score.
Results: 89 subjects were enrolled between May and October 2015. The average age was 81.9 years old and most patients were autonomous. We observed an improvement in the knowledge three months after the intervention (drug names: 67% vs 76%, p=0.048; indications: 80% vs 91%, p=0.010; dosages: 83% vs 92%, p=0.003). Patient medication adherence evaluated by the Morisky score was significantly improved (p=0.0036).
Conclusion: Patient education improves knowledge and adherence to treatment among the older subjects and could improve the safety of prescription and reduce iatrogenic risk in geriatrics.
Keywords: adherence; elderly; therapeutic education.