The specificity of acupoint effect is an important part of acupuncture theory. It has been one of the foci in acupuncture research domestically and abroad. This paper explores the specific relationship between Zusanli (ST 36) and stomach-intestine function based on the ancient records on "Sanli acupoint for du-fu diseases" and the clinical and experimental researches on Zusanli(ST 36) treating digestive diseases. The physiological mechanism of the specificity is explained in terms of the spinal cord segment of Zusanli (ST 36) and gastrointestinal organs as well as the cerebral central effect of puncturing the acupoint. The aim of the paper is to provide more evidences for the specificity of acupoint effect indicated by "Sanli acupoint for du-fu diseases".
Keywords: Point ST 36(Zusanli); correlation between acupoint and zang-fu; specificity of acupoint effect; stomach and intestine.